For many years the South Central Ministry Training Course has been equipping people from churches across the region to serve within their fellowships and beyond. But, given it takes place daytime on a Tuesday, we’ve been aware that many people could not access it. So in October 2024 we’ll be starting the Saturday Ministry Training Course, meeting nine times a year on a Saturday morning at St.Ebbe’s in Oxford. The course will last for three years but people are free to join for a year and start at any point.

Who is it for?

Everybody is welcome but it will be aimed at those involved in volunteer ministry within church (e.g. youth leaders, small group leaders, elders, occasional preachers), those who may want to serve in this way in the future and those who are wanting to mature in their faith. Our aim is to know and delight in God more and be equipped to serve others, inside and outside the church.

What will be happening?

The core of the morning will happen from 10.00-12.30 with two main sessions.

A Practical Bible Overview

Across three years our aim is to cover the whole Bible. In year one we’ll look at Old Testament history. In year two we’ll cover Wisdom Literature and the Prophets before turning to the New Testament in year three. But this will be an applied Bible Overview- we’ll think through how the whole Bible shows us God, relates to practical ministry and speaks into our culture.

Doctrine and Practical Ministry

Each year we’ll look at a key doctrine and a key aspect of ministry (Year 1: Doctrine of God and Teaching the Bible; Year 2: Doctrine of Humanity and Godliness/Perseverance in Ministering to Others; Year 3: Doctrine of Church and Pastoral Care) alongside some one off specials.

Optional Workshop Groups

For those who want practice in giving talks (and possibly leading Bible Studies) we are aiming at providing an optional workshop group either from 8.45-9.45 or 12.45-1.45, depending on numbers.

The bulk of the course will be taught by Andy Robinson, Director of Training for South Central Gospel Partnership.

Additionally, we will provide access to the recordings of the Tuesday MTC.

What does it cost?

Fees will be £200 for each year. There are bursaries available for those for whom the cost would be prohibitive. Please just mention this when applying.

How do I apply?

Please email Andy Robinson at, mentioning which church you are from and giving an idea of why you would like to join the course. Please also get in touch with any queries.

What are the dates?

The course will meet on the following Saturdays in 2024/25: 12th October, 9th November, 7th December, 11th January, 8th February, 8th March, 26th April, 17th May, 14th June. These have been timed to avoid school holidays. If you miss sessions, you should be able to catch up on an equivalent session from the Tuesday MTC.